Gov Council
Not only for school but for life.

Governing Council

Contact information

Please address all correspondence to:

The Secretary
Adelaide High School Governing Council
Adelaide High School
West Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000

Phone: 08 8231 9373

The Adelaide High School Governing Council works in partnership with the staff at the school to ensure effective governance and management. The Governing Council aims to ensure relationships between parents, students and staff are positive and trusting, and supports the focus on achieving constructive outcomes for our children. The Adelaide High School Governing Council operates within the guidelines and conditions outlined in the South Australian Association of State School Organisations (SAASSO) Handbook and a locally developed framework for Strategic Planning and Local Management.

Members of Council are elected for a two year period of office at the annual meeting of parents held in March, with the tenure of half of the parents ending each year. Staff and student representatives are elected annually to hold positions on the Council for a one year period.

The Council welcomes interested members of the wider community with specific expertise to join and to assist the Council or its sub committees. We understand that people are committed to many activities these days, but any time that can be spared to help in any Council activity is greatly appreciated.

The remit of the Governing Council is underpinned by a Constitution, which states:

The Council is to work in joint responsibility with the Principal to perform the following functions:

  • Involve the school community in the governance of the school to strengthen and support public education in the community.
  • Participate in setting the broad direction, vision and strategic plan and policies of the school.
  • Determine the application of the total financial resources available to the school.
  • Monitor and review the Site Learning Plan.
  • Report to the school community and the Minister for Education on the strategic plan, the finances and operational plans of the school, including the Council’s operations.

Governing Council Members

ChairAnna Wuttke
Deputy ChairKati Ritchie
SecretaryKasia Kelly
TreasurerBen Walters
PrincipalConnie Priolo
Staff RepresentativeKerry Skinner
Staff RepresentativeToni Angus
Adelaide City Council RepresentativeTBA
Member for AdelaideLucy Hood MP
PrefectLilly Collins
PrefectIngrid Heinrich
Other MembersAbhigyan

Tony Beach

Rebecca Thomas
Cameron Riches
Rubayya Noor
Elicia White
Lisa McKenzie
Michelle Wilton
Darren Standish
Nadia Blefari
Emily Teo
Kimberly Iremonger