In year 10, students officially become a part of the Senior Years at Adelaide High School.
They undertake their first subject as part of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) by completing Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF).
This is a compulsory subject and students are required to achieve a minimum of a C grade for successful completion. Students receive 10 Stage 1 SACE credits upon completion of this subject.
In Year 10, students make decisions about their curriculum choices based on subjects preferencing in year 9 and on their intended pathways. EIF provides students with the opportunity to explore their future pathways in more detail and to make informed choices about subject selections for year 11 and 12. Special Interest Language students are required to continue with their study of two languages other than English and all other students are required to continue with the study of at least one language other than English.
All students continue to receive information to support their wellbeing, keep them safe and to empower them to make informed decisions about their understanding of themselves and others through the Child Protection Curriculum and Open Parachute program delivered through Mentor Group.
Detailed subject outlines and other important information can be found in the Curriculum Guide.

In year 11, students begin Stage 1 of the SACE.
Students are provided with much greater flexibility to select subjects directly aligned to their strengths, interests and future pathways.
Students are required to complete a full year of Mathematics and English at year 11. Both are compulsory subjects required for successful SACE completion and must be completed to a C grade and above.
In addition, students also study Activating Identities and Futures, which is a compulsory, semester length subject.
This must also be completed to a C grade minimum.
In addition to these compulsory subjects, students will select a further four elective subjects to study. These subjects should be selected based on strengths, interests and within the context of subjects students will look to undertake in year 12 and those that will be required for studies post schooling.
All Stage 1 subjects are worth 10 SACE credits.
By the end of Stage 1, upon successful completion of all requirements, students will have earned a minimum of 120 SACE credits out of the 200 required for SACE completion.
Grades range from A to E and align with performance standards for each subject that define how well students have demonstrated their knowledge and understanding of content.
Year 11 students will continue to receive information to support their wellbeing, keep them safe and to empower them to make informed decisions about their understanding of themselves and others through the Child Protection Curriculum and Open Parachute program delivered through Mentor Group. They will also participate in the Road Awareness Program delivered by the Metropolitan Fire Service. This program seeks to actively engage, educate and empower drivers and road users about keeping themselves and others safe on our roads.
Detailed subject outlines and other important information can be found in the Curriculum Guide and by visiting the SACE website and welcome to the SACE

In year 12, students will earn the remainder of the 200 credits required to complete their SACE.
Students are required to select a minimum of four subjects in Stage 2.
Stage 2 subjects run over the course of the year and are worth 20 SACE credits.
In each of the Stage 2 subjects studied, 70% of assessment tasks will be marked by teachers and checked by moderators outside the school to ensure consistency.
The remaining 30% of assessment tasks such as examinations and investigations will be externally marked by moderators outside the school by SACE markers.
Grades range from A+ to E- and align with performance standards for each subject that define how well students have demonstrated their knowledge and understanding of content.
Students considering further study after year 12 should familiarise themselves with entry requirements for university and TAFE.
Year 12 students will continue to receive information to support their wellbeing, keep them safe and to empower them to make informed decisions about their understanding of themselves and others through the Child Protection Curriculum and Open Parachute program delivered through Mentor Group. They will also participate in the Safe Partying program delivered by Encounter Youth. This program seeks to actively engage, educate and empower students to look after themselves and their peers.
Detailed subject outlines and other important information can be found in the Curriculum Guide and by visiting the SACE website and welcome to the SACE
For further information about post-secondary school pathways, please see link below:
Planning beyond SACE