Year 7 is a crucial year for students as they embark on their secondary learning journey and develop new friendships and connections across our school. The Year 7 learning experiences at Adelaide High School are designed to build strong foundations for future success. Key focus areas are literacy and numeracy development, critical and creative thinking, and authentic exploration of all areas of the Australian Curriculum.
Our Year 7 students work with a dedicated team of expert teachers and leaders in beautiful, state of the art spaces. Our teaching approach means that all Year 7 students are supported to build strong and positive connections with a small team of educators, who teach them across core subjects, Mentor Group and SPARK (Technology. Engineering, and Arts) lessons.
Students have rich experiences in language learning, and health and physical education, and there is an intentional focus on developing social-emotional learning and the skills that underpin wellbeing – not just for school but for life.

Year 8
Year 8 students continue their learning journey by undertaking their core subjects in their Mentor Group. The Mentor Group teacher develops strong connections with the group and works closely with their classes during the wellbeing program and teaches their class one of their core subjects.
Students study:
- English
- Science
- Mathematics
- Health and Physical Education / Cricket / Rowing
- 2 of Performing Arts Dance, Performing Arts Drama, Performing Arts Music or Visual Art
- Materials Technology and Digital & Textiles Technology
After experiencing two languages in Year 7, students select one language to continue until the end of Year 10, unless they are a special language entry student where they continue studying both languages.
Detailed subject outlines and other important information can be found in the Curriculum Guide.

Year 9 students continue their learning journey in the Middle Years by undertaking their core subjects in their Mentor Group. The Mentor Group teacher develops strong connections with the group and works closely with their classes during the wellbeing program and teaches their class one of their core subjects.
Students study:
- English
- Science
- Mathematics
- History
- Health and Physical Education(HPE) / Cricket / Rowing
- Languages
Students will select a preference from both The Arts and Technology learning areas to ensure they have a fulsome learning experience. Students will also be able to select two preferences from HASS, HPE, Arts or Technology.
Special Interest language students are required to continue with their study of two languages. Special Interest Cricket and Rowing is a full year program and includes the required Health and Physical Education program.
At the end of Semester 2 students prepare and present the first task of the Personal Leaning Plan (PLP) and present this task to their Mentor Group teacher. Students unpack their literacy and numeracy skills and set goals in readiness for the Senior Years learning journey.
Detailed subject outlines and other important information can be found in the Curriculum Guide.

Students who are part of the Special Interest Language program are required to study two languages offered on our curriculum until at least the end of Year 10. All students have the opportunity to study two languages other than English if they wish and the study of one language other than English is compulsory for all other students until the end of Year 10.
Students may choose from:
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Italian
- Modern Greek
- Spanish
- Auslan
Students who have entered the school via the Cricket program take part in HPE Cricket as their compulsory HPE subject, while students entering via the Rowing program take part in HPE Rowing as their compulsory HPE subject.